Saturday 4 November 2017

A note to self....

Happy Saturday my lovelies! Its almost hard to believe that tomorrow is Bonfire night, does that mean its only something like 7 weeks til Christmas!! *insert photo of eyes popping out of head*

Crikey, well I did have a post filled with lovely photos' planned but I feel like today is in need of one of those posts where I like to remind myself of what I haven't done and what needs doing. Do you ever do that? How do you keep yourself focused on the 'list' of things you have to do? Do any of you feel like if its not written down on old fashion paper then it will just get mushed up in the pot inside your head where you store the million things that you know you need to do? And why do the important things only float to the surface when you are either at that point where you should be doing it or after the time has passed? I'm hoping I'm not on my own with this.

Mr. B is always commenting about how much I "love a list"....he'll say why dont you just save it as a reminder in your phone...and I'm like errrrrrm no I will just silence the alarm and forget AGAIN. There is just something about a handwritten list that seems to stick in my brain. So cue my favourite pen and my (one of many) notebook.

So the first thing I did this morning was make a coffee and some toast and sat down to finish two orders of gingerbread men that need to go out Monday morning....good there is one ticked off already. I'm now (well not right now as I am typing and drinking coffee - again) juggling with the washing, ironing, vacuuming and writing lists. I have to also point out that I am sat here typing with nails on one hand painted. That was last nights half arsed job not completed :D yes this is where my head is at at this very moment. I still never got the pieces cut out for my SOI Ultimate trousers :( I have been busy with gingerbread men decorations though which you all know I love to make so at least I'm getting my sewing fix!! I have so many things that I want to make, for myself and for gifts for Christmas, that my list is ever growing and when the time actually comes when I can tick something off I'm almost punching the air and doing a little bit of a happy dance! lol

One thing I did do which I have been thinking about for absolutely ages was to create a group on my Facebook page to host a pattern swap, here's the link if you would like to join I have a few patterns that I have that I would love to swap. I also thought it would be a great way to get my head back into the sewing world. I will write another post about it here once I have nailed down all the details. So I guess thats half a tick on the list :D

Right I think I have procrastinated enough, the rest of this list is not going to complete itself is it!!! Have a wonderful weekend whatever you have planned and enjoy the fireworks if you are going to any displays. 

Take care my lovelies,
Emma xxx

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