I cant believe it was so easy! And I am a little sad that its over :( just to recap with you, for the last 28 days I have been following a teatox program from a company called Skinny Mint. I added more fruit and veg to my diet and started doing regular exercise (x2 40mins Zumba a week).
I want to say that I never went on this detox to lose weight, that's not really what its for. I wanted to detox because I've been struggling with certain foods as I've gotten older. I've never been able to consume cows milk, apparently when I was a baby my Mam brought me up on goats milk. But after I left home I bought and drank cows milk as I thought it was just something I would have grown out of, until I realised that it was making me really ill. I was having awful stomach pains/cramps and I was so ridiculously bloated, sometimes it even made me feel nauseous. So I'm back on the goats milk/cheese/yoghurt and loving it. I also have trouble with white bread, white pasta and white rice. So I have switched to wholemeal/protien pasta, brown rice and only eat wholemeal bread. I gathered that making these changes and detoxing would be just what I needed.
Before the teatox I weighed myself and I was sitting at 11st 1lbs, which for my height 5"11 is where I should be. But I felt heavy and lethargic and I had heard that the morning tea really gave you a boost. So I thought with my holiday coming up in September I had nothing to lose by trying it.
I finished my teatox on Wednesday and when I weighed myself I was astonished to see that I am now 10st 6lbs. This was just an added bonus I have to say as the teatox did what it said it would. It gave me so much more energy and I no longer felt fuzzy headed and lethargic on a morning. I also found that during the day my energy levels didn't dip like they used to. And to top it all off no more tummy troubles.
When I had completed the teatox I really missed the morning teas so I've went ahead and ordered some more. The morning ones you can continue to drink in between detox's. They arrived this afternoon and I will be glad to get back to it tomorrow morning for sure :)
As I have already posted it on my Instagram account I just want to warn you before, that I don't normally make a habit of posting photographs of myself in a bikini and this will be the one and only time I will ever do it. I apologise to those of you who would rather not see if it, but since I'm only ever going to do it the once I feel like it may just be OK? :D
The top two are of me before and the bottom are from after. I am more than happy with the result and would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to cleanse their system, feel better and more energised or just want to kick start a healthy eating regime.
OK I have embarrased myself enough now so I'm signing off there. Thanks for taking the time to read through my progress. Other crafty news to follow :) xxx