Sunday, 29 January 2017

Do more of what makes you happy...

Hello my lovelies :)

Don't you just hate it when you start the new year with all these good intentions and then WHAM!! its all gone to pot already!!

If you had read the last paragraph of my Merry Christmas post you would know that the plan was to make a lot of changes in both work and personal aspects of my life.........

I was starting to feel ill at the beginning of last week, not surprising really as most of my work colleagues have had cold/flu in various forms, five days on and I'm no better and now I am sporting one of the most spectacular cold-sores I've ever had. To say I am run down would be an understatement. I think stress is playing a significant part in all this but that's another story.

Any way, since I've been stuck in bed or on the sofa I wanted something other than watching TV or films in-between sleeping. I was just googling how to make a jumpsuit (as you do lol) and I found a wonderful you tube channel by a lady named Mimi G.

I'd never heard of her before, she is based in the states and has built her business up by teaching people to sew. Here is her website and this is her youtube channel. I watched her video on how to make a jumpsuit and that's it I was hooked, I then made my way through at least 20 of her videos. She has the most relaxed teaching technique and speaks to you in a way you would understand, there''s no scary technical jargon and anything of a complicated nature she explains perfectly on how to execute correctly. She also has an amazingly easy way of inserting an invisible zip, honestly you need to check this out, its genius!!

A long time ago, I made garments, I loved it, life got in the way, I got a 'real' job and then it was all pushed to the side (obviously with the exception of bag making - but that's different). Watching all of these tutorials on how to make a basic skirt, a shirt dress, leggings, jackets and more wonderful garments its really re-ignited my passion for sewing and its reminded me of how much I really do love to sew. Even if its not to make a living from, just sewing for me, its all about doing more of what makes you happy, right? Well just by watching someone else sewing and thinking about what projects I could have a go at first, that makes me happy!

If you're interested in sewing you should stop by either Mimi's website or if you dare her youtube channel, be warned though you may lose an hour or three once you start watching :D

Right its back to the doctors for me tomorrow to try and get myself sorted, being this ill is just not good, I want to get back to normal asap!! (I don't make a very good patient!! lol)

Dear Mimi G,

Thank you for being so fabulous and giving me a little insight into your sewing world. Its so refreshing to have someone teach in a style that is so easy to understand. I love to sew but had almost forgotten how much....that was until I found your youtube channel and blog!! Many hours later and I'm raring and ready to get back into sewing for myself.....doing more of what makes me happy!! 

Emma xxx 

Sunday, 1 January 2017

RECIPE : Parsnip soup

I kinda stole this recipe from my Dad, well its an adapted version of a recipe he passed onto me after making it one time we went for dinner. Its very much a winter soup, very warming and with a generous chunk of crusty bread, comforting too :)

I've also made a few tweaks to make it even easier.....well what can I say I'm all for the easiness, that way there is no excuse for not eating fresh, healthy food.

You will need: 

25 gms of butter
1 onion finely chopped
1 large parsnip finely chopped
1 large carrot finely chopped
1 medium potato finely chopped
1 clove of garlic crushed
1 teaspoon curry paste
1 ltr of vegetable stock
1/2 cup of milk (of your choice)


Melt the butter in a large pan, add the onion and garlic and cook for 8-10mins
Add the parsnip, carrot and potato and stir
Once combined add the curry paste and mix through thoroughly
Add the stock and stir together
Add in the milk and stir again, cook for 20mins
Blitz in a processor (I used my nutribullet but you do have to wait for it to cool for about 30mins before doing so)
Add salt/pepper to taste and eat!!!!

Enjoy :)

p.s. If you dont have curry paste, which I didn't. Just add 2 teaspoons of the stock to 1 teaspoon of curry powder :)