Saturday, 2 June 2018

Feeling disconnected

Hello my lovelies, I do hope that you are all OK out there? 

June hey!! How did that happen??? Sheesh! Isn't this year flying over. OK so I feel like I owe you guys an update. Earlier in the year I posted about how I was going to be more present here on my blog concentrating on sewing for me. Well.....what the hell happened there then Emma????

The honest answer...I don't really know. I think it has a lot to do with my mindset and the fact that I am feeling totally disconnected from everything. Do you think I am having a mid-life crisis??? I have questioned many things this year and there have been lots of changes. But I still feel that something is still not quite right. Does anyone else sometimes feel like that?

One thing that I did decide was to close my website. I don't really put anything on there anymore and other than using my email it all seemed a little bit pointless and an expense that I didn't really need. I will always be Bagladee....shes my creative alter ego. However my website lapses in July so for the following month I will be transferring all of my emails over to my personal account. I have put both my Etsy and Folksy shops on permanent vacation and once my website is closed I will be closing those too. Its good to have a clear out. I will still be keeping my blog and Instagram account but I'm thinking of knocking my Facebook page on the head too....any thoughts on that one? Do you follow me over there?

I've been out of action for this past 2 weeks as I had a little accident with my foot so I've been laid up alternating between ice baths and elevating it. So I thought now would be a perfect time to say hi. First off Nell was in recovery and now its me. Ppppfff!!! She is doing really well I have to add, thinks she's a bionic cat now and tries to jump everywhere so we're constantly moving furniture out of the way and telling her to slow down ha ha!!! I still cant believe what a tough little cookie she is, so stubborn....hmmmm she reminds me of someone :D

So while I'm here I may as well make a promise to myself and see if I can actually keep it this time. Every Thursday I will pop in and leave a post even if its just a little wave to say hi and tell you whats happened in my week. Maybe this will help me feel more connected? Who knows....I do know that being here and talking it out with you lovelies does really help me. And I've missed it!

So feel free to poke me with a virtual stick if I disappear again....

Speak soon,
Emma xxx