Monday 29 May 2017


Back in January I posted a picture on Instagram after I was tagged to name my 'Word for 2017'. Since I had already written a 'list of change' in place of new years resolutions I thought the obvious choice would be....

 My list was more of a way of writing down the positive changes I wanted to make to my life to make me happier. 2016 was a difficult, disorganised and stressful year so I decided that 2017 was going to be different.

I never thought for one minute that one of the changes would be that I would be made redundant from my job that I've had for the last 13 years!! I don't want to say too much as its been a really difficult time over the last 6 weeks, a lot of crying, soul searching and trying to figure out where it leaves me.

My last day is the 31st and I will be leaving behind a lot of people who have been there when times were rough, who made me laugh and helped me grow as a person. My first day, back in 2004, I was 24 had only been living in Nottingham 6 months and the only person I knew was Mr.B.....I've met some lovely people over the years and made some fantastic friends.

I have learnt a lot about myself over the last 13 years, and there have been times in the past where I almost left to go elsewhere, but I really feel that this time its the best thing to happen. Almost the kick up the arse that I've needed for a long time. I wont be rushing into something else straight away, I'd like to change direction completely, what.....I dont quite know yet but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I've had the most amazing support from Mr.B and my family and friends, I really couldn't have asked for more.

So even though my belly is a mix of feeling scared, excited and sad all in one go, I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason. Lets hope that reason is a good one ;)

....Emma xxx

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