Thursday, 13 November 2008

Oh what a feeling.......not good :o/

I'm always the type of person where when I do a job I put my all into it, even more so when it came to starting my job at the place I work now. I had no experience in the field I was going into and was not qualified in anything to do with it as my degree is in Fashion and Textiles. But I was asked to stay on permanent after being taken on as a temp.

I've worked really hard for the past 4 years and worked my way up to a good job with a good salary. And although I have spent most of the past year complaining about my job, most people do don't they?, I realised today just how important the job is in my life. I suppose that happens when you are hauled into a room and told that your job is at risk due to multiple redundancies. I cant tell you how shell shocked I am, I don't normally feel compelled to write anything about my day job as its been my bread and butter, my means to an ends but this has really had an impact on me. Its the not knowing, but I hope that it doesn't happen to me. I know there are probably many people just like me who've been affected by the credit crunch and I really can sympathise with you.

Anyway on to something more cheery.......
I've decided on my new years resolution already, and that is to have a go at printing my own fabric and doing some free-hand embroidery. I would like to design and make a range of bags where only one of each is made, with a unique print and embroidery detail. I am a massive fan of limited edition ranges and thought it was about time I thought about doing my own!!

So to help me on my way and get a little inspiration I bought these two books that arrived earlier in the week. They are fantastically detailed in directions and tips. Cant wait to get stuck into them in the New Year.

And I mentioned on an earlier post that I had bought some yards of Thai Silk so I though they were so gorgeous I just had to post some photos to show you.

You can see the two-tone colour better in this picture, I love teal and pink.
With the events of today I'm lucky that tomorrow is a day I've booked off and were going to the Crafts for Christmas Fair at the Birmingham NEC, which also includes free entry into the Hobbycrafts and Art Materials Live. So I will be in my element tomorrow!!!!!! Will take some photos and show you my loot (as no doubt there will be something I want to buy) tomorrow.


  1. can't wait to see what you make of it!
    thanks for looking at my blog.

  2. Sorry to hear you are having a stressful day. It is hard to find the balance between making a living and making meaning. I hope you are able to continue doing both. Fingers crossed!

  3. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it works out ok for you Emma, I had the same shock a couple of year ago and know that it isn't a nice feeling. I love your fabric and I've got the bottom book of those two, your ideas sound great! Hope you have a good time today

  4. I know how you feel about the job, as it's the same for my partner at the moment and as I'm a stay at home mum to 3 kiddies I have no income to speak of. Fingers crossed all will work out fine for us both.
    On the cheerier side, the fabric is gorgeous and the fabric designing and printing sounds great! By the way, is the doodle book good as I've had my eye on it on amazon for a while, but not sure whether to buy it or not?!
    Shelley xx

  5. Times are tough! It is great to keep things into perspective. I wish you the best!

    Are you familiar with You may be able to try out a few of your designs there before major investments.

  6. Oh Emma, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. We went through this ourselves just after getting married and so I know how it feels. I really hope you'll be one of the lucky ones. Your new projects sound very exciting though, and I LOVE that silk fabric - what beautiful colours! Hope you have a fab day at the craft fair!

  7. oh no, fingers crossed for your job emma.

    that fabric is gorgeous! i have doodle stitching - it's such a pretty book. it's my current bed time reading/looking at pretty pictures :)
    looking forward to the new year and your one off bags!

  8. glad you are a hard worker.

    great cant wait to see what you make. the book looks so fun.


Hi, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a comment. I love hearing your thoughts and comments.... Emma xx