Thursday, 12 March 2009

Sneaky Peak

Here's a little peak of the project I've been working on, trying not to give too much away just yet but all will be revealed this weekend.
I'm pleased to say that my little car is now fixed and all ready for me to pick up tomorrow :) YEY!! And even more pleased to say that its not been too much of a dent in my pocket...bigger YEY!!
Off to get some more wallpaper samples tomorrow and look at getting some kind or chair/bean bag type thing for my sewing room.....very exciting. I think I may have found the paper that I LOVE.


  1. Ooh, what pretty flowers! I'm intrigued, is it more bags or pouches? Oh I hate being in suspense!! Glad your car repair wasn't too expensive.

  2. Hmmm... I'm curious to see what these will end up being:)

  3. Lovely flowers!

    Good news about you car, too.

  4. I just posted a sneeky peek too! Those flowers look lovely, the colours are very pretty. I'm glad your car is sorted without costing you a fortune too
    : )

  5. Love the colors. I'm interested in seeing what it will be.


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