Sunday, 30 May 2010

Matilda meets some new friends...

Whilst we were having the BIG clear out last weekend we came across a black sack which had soft toys written on its label. I wasn't quite sure what was in there as the bag has been in the garage since we moved to the house.

It made me smile when I opened the bag, as it contained our 3 monkeys that used to sit on our bed at the flat. I dusted them off and took them up into the studio to meet Matilda, she was ever so pleased to have some friends to keep her company. And so we decided to have a little move around with things to make room for them all....

and some totally scrumdiddlyumptious fabric.

At last I get to keep all my fabric together right where I can stare at it whilst sewing, its amazing how inspired you get looking at it.
The custom cushions are finished and I will be back tomorrow to show you photos.
P.S. isn't today 'blustery' for us people in the UK.


Hi, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a comment. I love hearing your thoughts and comments.... Emma xx