The small ones are coin purses, medium- make up pouches to fit in your hand bag and large ones for carrying all your makeup whether you're away for the weekend or on holiday.
Only one more day left to prepare for the craft fair (taking these little beauties with me), even though I've never sold at one before I'm really looking forward to it. Not sure what to expect but I'm sure it will all be fine.
Hoping that my new Moo cards come in time (fingers crossed!!)
Poor Sarah from Paper and String is not feeling too well at the moment so Get Well wishes winging their way to her.
With all the prep for Saturday and running in Race For Life on Sunday I will catch up with you all sometime after that. Have a fab weekend!!!! xx
With all the prep for Saturday and running in Race For Life on Sunday I will catch up with you all sometime after that. Have a fab weekend!!!! xx