Wednesday, 29 July 2009

A little less crazy...

You'll be pleased to hear that yesterday was slightly less crazier than Monday and today even less :) Last night I worked on some prototypes for Friday (photo shoot) and managed to finish this (to the left) sorry for the teaser photo but I cant reveal what it is just yet......maybe tomorrow.

I even managed a little bit of relaxing in front of the TV watching the Mexico City leg of Redbull X Fighters, which we are going to see at Battersea Power Station on the 22nd cant wait!!


  1. Glad life is being kinder to you this week!

    Just been and got my sewhip for the first time (usually can't justify the expense) just to see you and my bag! Well, not mine, as that's upstairs, but one just like mine :-)

    Loads of ideas, am looking for a small girl so I can have a go at that swing dress, sooo pretty!

    Might have to make sewhip a regular feature at Daisie Towers now....

    Good luck on friday!

  2. that looks SOOOO summery and cheerful...what is iit you big teaser??? ;-p


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