There has been LOTS of fabric bought, new bags designed, swaps sent and received, gifts, lots of wip and new additions, a wedding dress, a missing/stolen clutch bag, the launch of my Mam's etsy shop, some knitting (started not yet finished!), a sale, some baking, give aways, custom orders galore, 1st blog birthday, a book was written, a magazine feature, hot summer (of all of a week), race for life, a trip to Paris, an injured Kitty, TLBG launched, website updates, redbull xfighters @ Battersea Power Station (Awesome!!), a trip to Edinburgh, craft fairs, bag parties and a completed Studio fresh for 2010.......
Phew!! I tell you I really dont know how I fit it all in!! The day job most definately takes its toll on me, but bagladee makes it all worth while, I've had a fantastic year.
Thank you to all who have read my blog, left comments, bought from my etsy/folksy/website, offered encouragement, given advice, inspired me (which you all do!) and for being such down right fab people to have met along the way.....my journey this year has been a most educational and enjoyable one. Here's to the next chapter of 2010!!