Monday 3 May 2010

Bank Holiday bliss!!

OK who is going to pinch me?? What a lovely long bank holiday weekend. Its been jam packed and we haven't even been anywhere.

There's been a huge food shop, painting the dining room, going out for a very yummy curry on Friday night, lots of washing, lots of sewing, tidying and sorting supplies, cutting gorgeous fabric, learning a jewellery technique (thanks Andrea) for part of my bags, Internet shopping :D catching up on some recorded TV programmes, photo tweaking, website revamping, sending info packs out to some shops and galleries, finishing off trade order No.2, looking for a new car (Internet), trying to decide on a wall paper for the living room, removing nail extensions (reminding me how tender your natural nails are when you taken them off) and lastly talking about a holiday!! Phew!!

Hope you all had a fab weekend!! Back to the grind tomorrow (but I'm still smiling as we're ordering a dominos) :D


  1. Hi Emma, sounds like you've had a great weekend. I'm now settled back after my hols, and back into the swing of blogging did you hear about my Norwegian adventures?! lol xx

  2. glad you are having a wonderful time! your post really made me smile!

  3. Our weekend was very similar with a bit of sun thrown in too.

  4. Wow, you really got some things accomplished - good for you! I have been super lazy lately - I really need to get to work!

    Hope you are well Emma!


Hi, thanks for taking the time to read my blog and leave me a comment. I love hearing your thoughts and comments.... Emma xx