I hope you've all had a nice long bank holiday weekend. Mine has been a strange one but definitely exciting. Saturday I took a trip to a local fabric store that has recently changed owners. Before they had some nice fabric but nothing really that ever caught my eye. There were some tempting fabrics in the window so I thought I'd take a peek.
(Yes for all you who know me 'Dangerous' I knew I'd come out with something!!) And boy did I!!

I love this combo of fabric........the first that whispered to me 'Pssssst Emma! Buy me! Go on you know you want to!!'

Then I spotted these two sweet fabrics.

And then this gorgeous pair.....its heavier than the cotton I normally buy but the prints were just too good to resist and it will make the making more interesting since its something different.
Best be off, must finish the custom bag I'm making today and some more instructions to write.......
Enjoy the rest of the day :)
lovely new fabrics! I am off fabric shopping with my sister tomorrow, I can't wait. I do hope your clutch bag arrived ok, I never knew that about signed for, you would think they ould tell you that when you send it. And I'm so glad your meeting went well!
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fantastic fabrics! :)