Tuesday 19 May 2009


I wasn't quite sure what to name today's post.....to be quite honest I'm still trying to wind down after a 'trying' day at work. I still feel annoyed and annoyed that I'm annoyed.....does that make sense? Any way I've been busy cutting out the fabric for a custom bag I'm making and I'm hoping to start sewing it together tomorrow, that will put a smile on my face :) It will be the Sienna shopper from my shop/website with some alterations. I love making custom items.

I'll keep you updated on progress as I go along. At Christmas we received this box of biscuits from someone in our family and after polishing off the biscuits I couldn't bring myself to throw out the tin. And after thinking for quite some time I've decided to store all my zips in it.

I especially love this little fella, this is the reason I couldn't throw it out. He is the double of my westie Dougal (who is no longer with us).....so its going to be kept where I can see it often.

Oh and the reason the post is named 210 is because this post is No.210, I cant believe I've reached that many posts already!!!


  1. I totally understand feeling annoyed at being annoyed =) I'm was feeling that way when I just typed my last blog post. I hope you have a less annoying day today.

  2. your right! that tin is lovely! and the orange and white fabric looks yummy


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